Tree Wardens Of Rothbury
The tree wardens plant, protect and promote the local trees in Rothbury for everyone to enjoy. Meet the team.
Chris Cann
I've loved trees from a very early age and have fond memories of climbing a huge tree at the end of our garden but always being frightened and never able to climb as high as my friends. As a child, Mum, and now a Granny, I've found great pleasure from making dens in woods, collecting acorns, ticking off found items in an I Spy book. and still dream of having a tree house! I feel happiest beside trees and have a small wood of my own which has greatly expanded my knowledge of tree management and further confirmed the importance of connecting with trees and managing woodland sensitively.
Jane Cheadle
Over several years I have helped to plant and maintain many trees around the Great Tosson area. I enjoy getting my hands dirty and am happy to get out in all weathers.
Dr Darren Evans
I teach ecology and conservation to University students and have been working with volunteer groups for many years planting trees, laying hedges and generally getting my hands dirty. Trees are increasingly being recognised for their importance in terms of tackling climate change and halting biodiversity decline. It has never been more important for folks to get involved with initiatives such as this.
Elidh Gardner
Our garden, no longer cold and windswept, after much work, is a delight. On our boundary is an Ash tree, home to vociferous jackdaws and so lovely we named our house after it. Another boundary tree is a lovely gnarled hawthorn with pale pink blossom. It provides a branch for a bird feeder and a barrier for the sparrow hawk. The field behind our house has four full grown Copper Beech trees, providing shelter for a stray red squirrel, shade for the sheep and which must have a story like many single, stands of trees and woods in Whittingham Vale and Coquetdale.
Jen Homer
I've loved trees since I was a kid, and almost everything I do involves thinking about the environment and how I can make a difference in some way. Did you know, that about 4000 BC humans began to deforest the earth - look where we are now! We humans have a lot of work to do to reverse this trend and my little assistants and I are ready to do what we can. So I'm looking forward to using my skills, learnt over the years, to improve the landscape around Rothbury in any way possible.
Hazel Meyer
When I am out walking, I am always saddened to see tree guards either strangling the young trees or discarded to pollute the environment. The people who planted them not interested in their wellbeing presumably due to time pressure. So I think it is up to people like us to take care of our trees and plant more.
Joy Sanders
I moved to Northumberland 2 years ago, after previously living at the coast and supporting Coastal environmental issues. As I now live in an area surrounded by forest and woodland I would like to learn and be active in the welfare of the trees that give this part of Northumberland it's identity. ? I feel strongly about positively contributing to the environment I live in, learning what I can do better and helping others to do the same, leading by example so that my children, grandchildren and their communities continue to look after their world.
Katie Scott
I've become even more fascinated, intrigued and in love with trees since moving to Rothbury in 2015. My aim is to protect the ones we have, and enhance the environment by planting even more! My passion is to ensure the next generations have a great love, appreciation, and understanding of the beauty, magical qualities, and the necessity, of trees for our planet.
Luisa Trinder
I've always loved gardening and find being outdoors is really good for my mental health, so it seemed a natural progression to start planting and caring for trees. It's so special to plant a tree and watch it grow for future generations to enjoy. We live in such a beautiful place and it feels like I am giving something back to the landscape.
Jo Wilkes
I believe trees enrich our lives in so many ways. They clean the air we breathe, provide vital habitats for wildlife, they help prevent flooding. They add to our beautiful landscape - and so much more. I love planting new trees, and I love to protect the beautiful and veteran trees in Coquetdale.
Suzanne Watkins
I volunteered to become a tree warden, not because of any significant ecological knowledge, rather than a passion for the area in which I live and to repay the pleasure and peace it has given me
Alan Winlow
Alan Winlow MBE is the king of tree wardens! This man has been planting trees and hedges for many, many years. Alan has planted, literally, 100s of them all over Rothbury and surrounding areas. He is the most inspirational of tree people. Alan's knowledge of trees is vast, and he certainly knows about planting the right tree in the right place. He grows trees, he nurtures trees, he knows trees. Alan also grows willow, and many people will know him from this activity.
What Tree Wardens Do
Tree Wardens plant, protect, and promote their local trees. No training or experience in tree management is needed - just a love of trees and a few hours to spare. Would you like to be a Rothbury Tree Warden? ?
Tree Wardens are organised into local groups. Rothbury's is the first group in Northumberland. It is co-ordinated by Katie Scott and is autonomous. We meet regularly to decide what we would like to focus on.
Some of the projects other Tree Warden groups have done include:
- Arranging local tree planting days
- Pruning, watering, and giving vital aftercare to local trees after planting
- Working with local authorities to plant and care for our precious street trees
- Rejuvenating local woodlands in need of management
- Raising funds and identifying suitable land for local tree-planting projects
- Going into schools to talk to young people about the value of trees.
Become A Tree Warden
We are always looking for people to help to plant trees, maintain those which have been planted, and to grow trees from seed. We also need people to help with the removal of tree guards, once they have served their purpose. ?
If you would like to be part of our project, then please get in touch.
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